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Myanmar crackdown: Junta announces ban on satellite TV as security threat

Myanmar's #junta-controlled media announced a #ban on satellite television receivers on Tuesday, say ...View More

Scores killed in one day in Myanmar crackdown on protesters, reports say Source-#FRANCE 24 English

Source-#FRANCE 24 English Scores killed in one day in Myanmar crackdown on protesters, reports say S ...View More

Scores killed in one day in Myanmar crackdown on protesters, reports say

At least 82 people were killed in one day in a crackdown by Myanmar security forces on pro-democracy ...View More

Gravitas: Why the military sabotages Myanmar's civilian governments

  WION     March 23, 2021

The military has ruled Myanmar for nearly 6 decades. During this time, they accumulated wealth and i ...View More

Myanmar crackdown continues as civilian leader urges protesters to keep up anti-coup fight

Myanmar security forces opened fire on anti-coup protesters in the commercial capital Yangon on Sund ...View More

Royals row, AstraZeneca complications, Lula's comeback, Myanmar crackdown

For Parisians tired of wondering whether the French capital is going to be reconfined, this week you ...View More

Myanmar crackdown: Junta extends custody of five journalists over coup coverage

A court in #Myanmar extended custody on Friday for five #journalists, including one from US news age ...View More

Myanmar crackdown on protests, widely filmed, sparks outrage

Footage of a brutal #crackdown on protests against a coup in #Myanmar unleashed #outrage and calls f ...View More

Protests, mourning as world condemns Myanmar crackdown

Protesters are back on the streets across Myanmar, after 38 people were killed in the most violent d ...View More